to be dimmed; when the radio button is checked, then the “font” and “format” pop-up menus ought to be functional.
All things considered, I found Prototyper 2.0 to be a very good program; it follows the Macintosh interface perfectly.
(It should; the author George R. Cossey spent five years with Apple working on the Lisa and Macintosh teams.) If you want to design your “dream program”, learn C or Pascal, or speed up the actual code-writing of your program, Prototyper is well worth the investment. The program is not copy-protected, does not require any licensing fees and works under Multifinder. You can use the program to develop DAs as well as applications.
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When you are linking various activities to a particular menu item, button choice, etc., you cannot select the order in which things happen in your list of link events. That could lead to some unintended events happening out of sequence; along these lines, I would also like to see a “pause” choice as one of the linked events. That could be used to simulate some time-consuming event taking place during the pause. The other shortcoming is that in the linking process, you cannot have button selections “dim” other choices. For example, your program might have a radio button choice which adds titles to your graphs; if you choose to add titles, then you want to be able to select the font and format of the type through pop-up menus. If the radio button for “titles” is unchecked then the pop-up menus for “font” and “format” ought